Brought in SOLR capability for a client and provided insights on best practices and implementation.
Have worked in OpenLDAP and can take up migration work and development activities
Have implemented OpenSSL based auth handshakes in multiple technologies and have configured and implemented for staging area.
Have used OpenVPN and implemented OpenVPN in real time.
Used Regex based alias in dovecot to receive pattern emails, that can be interpreted to a particular user of the system and further extracting the image sent by the user in that email and share the image in blog to a particular topic, based on subject text in email.
Worked on a bunch of data engineering projects involving pandas and others to implement large data store and harvesting practices.
For a work involving using AI support for evaluating and suggesting page quality and SEO analytics, used Watson API and created a library for same.
For a work involving using AI support for evaluating and suggesting page quality and SEO analytics, used Google Vision and Grammar API and created a library for same.
Using cakephp theme and jquery mobile made a dual rendering View implementation that addresses browser from mobile devices and desktops.
Have created a component for Teapot@stanford, that would make use of their API to extract compatibility among users. Would change this to a plugin soon.
Have made a custom error handler that work along with beanstalkd and cakephp Console and to do error reporting upon production time issues. It also has a configurable approach to inform a mailing list on various events within system, through an audit trail implementation.
Working on a lib, that would make use of jquery + jquery mobile and have an ajax based View helper that would address all devices and complete with validations that integrate client side with Model validations.
Created an SPI to address External WS based credential check for users from a particular educational body, in a common infrastructure.
Have implemented JOSSO and had extended it through a wrapping SOAP based webservice such that any consumer can do SSO using JOSSO.
For an inhouse Android app development, have implemented a RESTful API, that verifies its key at server side and also undertake various unique tokens to minimize risk of an external code using our API service.
This was taken up, as an R&D effort and completed within a month. Took the non working incubation state WSRP4J code base,and after a lot of struggle, made it to work.
This was also initially took up as R&D and made a web based integration for CCOW.
Extended the security flow of Weblogic Portal 7, to implement SSL based two way authentication
Can work in these tech stack, and have worked a good amount with this.
Have developed a couple of apps using ionic3 and ionic4 and am fully equipped to take up with with this.
With Dataflux, Bluefusion integration, created adapters for infromatica in HP UX, solaris and windows environment.